Flow Metering

The iMAG-Series is the most economical flanged electromagnetic flowmeter on the market. With electrodes designed to discourage fouling, it is available in 3- to 12-inch pipe in municipal or industrial water, waste and reclaimed water, pump stations, and packaged plant applications. Minimal straight pipe requirements allow iMAG-Series meters to be used in piping configurations where there is little space between the meter and an elbow.

iMAG-Series meters are CE-certified, certified to NSF/ANSI standard 61, and are rated IP68 for applications where the meter may be operated continuously under water to a depth of at least 10 feet (3 meters).

Max Flow Rate for 12” Meter: 11,565 GPM

Minimum Flow Rate for 8” Meter: 750 GPM

Maximum Flow Rate for 8” Meter: 5,140 GPM